Grant Profiles
The Foundation has awarded grants to a wide range of organizations. Below is a cross section of examples:
Cottage Grove Community Hospital
Cottage Grove
(later replaced by PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Community Medical Center and Clinic)
In the late 1940s, Walter A. Woodard took a lead role in the establishment and construction of Cottage Grove Hospital. Subsequently, the Woodard Family Foundation has awarded 47 grants totaling $260,000 for projects including construction of the new PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Community Medical Center and Clinic, digital mammography equipment and furnishings for a compassionate care room. The Woodard Family Foundation has been unwavering in its belief that a quality medical center and staff are crucial for the wellbeing of the community. Read more about the hospital >
W.A. Woodard Library (1950 – 1971)
Woodard Memorial Library (1971 - 2000)
Replaced by Cottage Grove Library & Community Center
Cottage Grove
In the late 1940s, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Woodard took a lead role in the design and construction of the W.A. Woodard Library. Subsequently, the Woodard Family Foundation has given $140,000 for general operations, technology updates, the purchase of books and the relocation of the library in 2000. Read more about the library >
Cottage Theatre
Cottage Grove
The Woodard Family Foundation has awarded 42 grants totaling more than $322,000 for everything from construction of the original building and production sponsorship to expansion of facilities and operations. Early grants were instrumental in leveraging additional dollars from outside of the immediate region and gave the community the confidence and capacity that eventually led to winning the National Civic League’s All-American City Award in 2004.

civic services

Cottage Grove Library and Community Center

PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Community Medical Center and Clinic
youth / families

Family Relief Nursery

Family Relief Nursery
Cottage Grove
The Woodard Family Foundation has awarded 22 grants totaling $200,000 since the Nursery’s 1994 inception in Cottage Grove. Grants provided seed money for the organization, multi-year capital construction grants and general operating support. The Foundation places a high value on helping families cope with the emotional and financial stress of raising infants and children.
Lafayette Partners In Education
Lafayette, California
The Woodard Family Foundation has awarded 18 grants totaling $58,700 in support of general operations and programs of the Lafayette Partners in Education, formerly known as the Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation. (Grants formerly made to out of area recipient at the discretion of the Woodard Family Foundation Board of Directors.)
Scouts - Willamette Council/Oregon Trail Council/Cascade Council
Eugene, Oregon
The Woodard Family Foundation views the Boy Scouts as fostering core American values and has awarded 84 grants totaling roughly $191,000 to the local branch of the Boy Scouts of America. Gifts have supported scout operations, summer camperships, outreach to remote communities, endowment and facilities improvements.
South Lane School District
Cottage Grove
The Woodard Family Foundation has awarded more than 100 donations totaling upwards of $500,000. Grants large and small have been made to nearly every school in the 2,900-student district for projects ranging from new playground and classroom equipment to programs and supplies to athletic scholarships for middle and high school students. The Woodard Family Foundation believes that a well-rounded public school education is a critical foundation for future success.
SMART--Start Making A Reader Today
SMART in Lane County/Oregon Children’ s Foundation
Springfield, Oregon
Since 2001, the Woodard Family Foundation has awarded 12 grants totaling $21,600 to the SMART literacy program in Lane County. Early childhood literacy is a core value of the Woodard Family Foundation and funding has supported the purchase of new books, training and program implementation.
South Lane Mental Health
Cottage Grove
The Woodard Family Foundation has awarded seven multi-year grants totaling $157,000, including a critical $50,000 grant in 2008 for the purchase and remodel of a new community mental health services center. Support has been instrumental in helping South Lane Mental Health attract other resources. They have entered into public/private partnerships, collaborations and have built capacity so it can better meet the community’s mental health needs.
The Town School
New York, New York
The Town School has been awarded 20 grants totaling $143,500. Woodard Family Foundation grants have supported general operations, financial aid, faculty profession- al development, endowment and Breakthrough New York—a tuition-free enrichment program that reaches out to highly motivated middle school students in public schools where they may have limited educational opportunities. The Foundation values access to high-quality education regardless of a student’s financial status. (Grants formerly made to out of area recipient at the discretion of the Woodard Family Foundation Board of Directors.)
Agencies Serving Youth
Cottage Grove
The Woodard Family Foundation has awarded 32 grants totaling $333,700 to agencies serving South Lane County youth. Grants supported general recreational programming, the Cottage Grove Skate Park and the development of the Cottage Grove Youth Center. The Foundation believes it is essential to invest in the future of individuals and the community as a whole with constructive recreation opportunities for Cottage Grove area’s youth.